
Ellie at 7 months

Ellie is starting to become a fun little baby. Her personality is beginning to show more and just be more fun. She is bit more expressive now, which is good and bad. She lets us know when she is happy, mad, sad, annoyed, needs more attention, etc…  When she knows it’s bed time and I’m getting ready to nurse her, if I set her down, she lets out the maddest cry ever. She just wants to nurse right now. She also shows that she’s mad if you take something away from her that she really wants. Ellie also has a happy scream. When she is playing with sister or is excited, she does a loud, piercing, happy scream.

On 11/30/16 She fully transitioned to the zipadee zip. That thing has been wonderful. And now she can’t sleep without it. She sleeps mostly on her tummy now that she is not swaddled and roll over easily.

She still shakes her head back and forth a lot. She is almost sitting up on her own. She is getting stronger and stronger.

One of my very favorite things is when she’s nursing, her hand wanders and she just feels my chest and my face and neck. I love it. I am so grateful that I have been able to nurse both my girls. I think it’s the most wonderful thing in the world (after you get over the initial nursing hump!)

She got to enjoy her first Christmas this month! In these pictures, she’s wearing the same sweater I wore as a baby <3

Ellie is our sweet, chill, yummy baby and we love her so very much.


Ellie at 6 months

Ellie got to try food for the first time on October 7. She was a little over 5 months and we just felt like she was ready. She was pretty thrilled trying some sweet potato and carrot mixed with breast milk. She anxiously leaned toward each bite.

She shakes her head back and forth a lot. She sits alright in the bumbo, but still pretty wobbly.

I tried to go without chocolate for a week to see if it would make a difference in her sleep, but it didn’t change a thing. I also tried limiting dairy, but same thing, I didn’t notice anything different in spit or sleep. So who knows how to solve the sleep mystery! She is still swaddled, and I’m trying to figure out how to transition her out of it.

There have been a handful of times that Ellie has woken up from her nap and Madeline is out with Daddy or with her Grandmas or Aunties, and she just looks and looks for sister. She knows something is not right haha. It’s so sweet. She just loves that big sister.



Halloween 2016

Halloween 2016! This year a little more fun with Madeline being older. She understood it more, was a bit more brave going door to door, and enjoyed it so much more. Our sweet Snow White and her trusty sidekick, Dopey. 🙂